Welcome to The North Remembers, an intermediate-to-advanced roleplaying forum set in an alternate universe of the television series Game of Thrones following the Season 8 finale. With the Mother of Dragons having burned the city, she has vanished leaving everyone with no knowledge of what happened to her after Jon Snow stabbed her. Jaime and Cersei Lannister have survived despite the odds being slim in the downfall of The Red Keep. Meanwhile, the council of Lords and Ladies debate how to move forward in The Game of Thrones, causing disagreements between the Great Houses and houses looking to gain power for their own. Who will win the game of thrones?
We are pleased to inform you that Hogwarts AU RPG has officially relaunched! It's a Hogwarts experience unlike any you've seen before - with everything designed specially for our wide range of plots and features. We have a variety of our own items, magical creatures, quests, skills, customised dormitories, and more.
Set in the early 2000s, this isn't Harry Potter's story - it's ours. There's a few familiar Professors, but all students are non-canon - created by members and staff. A new school year has just begun.